
Trauma Informed Care – An Overview

Trauma and Adverse Childhood Experiences (ACEs) can have a direct, immediate, and overwhelming impact on a child’s social, emotional, behavioral and mental health. This training will provide a more advanced understanding of childhood trauma, toxic stress and its effects on health, development and overall well-being, as well as strategies on responding to children impacted by trauma.

Trauma-Informed Care Forum, April 2021

Resilient Kern is working with ACEs Aware to help build a stronger network of care in Kern County, beginning with expanding screenings for Adverse Childhood Experiences (ACEs) by Medi-Cal providers. This forum, from April of 2021, brings a shortened training on Trauma-Informed Care and brings community partners together to discuss TIC and ACEs in Kern County.

ACEs Aware Kern County Network Engagement Session

This joint ACEs engagement session between Kern and Kings County discusses opportunities to advance clinical workflows to advance ACEs and mitigate toxic stress in Communities. The presentation highlights ways in which clinical providers and community partners can begin to advance ACEs screenings in Kern County.

ACEs 101-Building an ACEs Aware Kern County

Resilient Kern is working with ACEs Aware to help build a stronger network of care in Kern County, beginning with expanding screenings for Adverse Childhood Experiences (ACEs) by Medi-Cal providers. In this session, from May of 2021, we discuss with partners the goal of ACEs Aware initiative, how ACEs impact Kern County, and what it will take to spread trauma-informed care throughout our community.

Kern County ACEs Learning Symposium

The ACEs Learning Symposium brought together Network of Care partners across California for a day of learning and action. The day consist of presentation from our Kern County ACEs pilot Omni Family Health, panel discussion with ACEs network of care planning grantees, and joint discussion between Unite Us and Kern Connected Community Network to advance social care referrals to advance health equity.

ACEs Aware Kern County ACEs Summit

Held in September, 2021, the ACEs Summit included topics such as learning about intergenerational trauma in the Native American community, care coordination and toxic stress in medically fragile children and transition-aged children, mitigating toxic stress in children and advancing ACE screenings.

ACEs Aware Kern County - Omni Family Health Care & KCCN pilot program

This video highlights a pilot project completed in 2021-22 with Omni Family Health to introduce ACE screenings in one of their offices in Bakersfield, as well as showcase a collaboration with the Kern Connected Community Network to seamlessly make and receive referrals.

ACEs Conference: Strategies to Advance Health, Justice, Healing in Central Valley

Panel Speakers: Marisol Ibarra, Legislative Director, California State Senator Melissa Hurtado; Dr. Karen Mark, Medical Director for the California Department of Health Care Services; Guadalupe Manriquez, Asst. Budget Manager, California Dept. of Finance; Jeremy Tobias, CEO, Community Action Partnership of Kern

Compassion Fatigue - Working in the Helping Professions

Providing professional assistance to those in trauma presents a unique set of challenges. This video provides an understanding of compassion fatigue, secondary stress, vicarious trauma and burnout, and discusses how to develop your own emotional health and strengthen your emotional resilience.

Trauma-Informed Care - Addressing Homelessness

Over 71% of Kern County’s homeless population has experienced major trauma in their lives prior to becoming homeless. This presentation addresses the impact of ACEs and Trauma in their lives, and discusses resiliency and evidence-based strategies for helping them.

Virtual School, Stress, and Adapting to COVID-19

Join us in a discussion highlighting the current stresses for families returning to school virtually. We also discuss the need for Self-Care during this time, and how COVID-19 has affected us mentally, physically, emotionally and spiritually. We discuss strategies, resources and normalcy to what many are experiencing.

Self-Care while dealing with COVID-19 pandemic measures

A one-hour training on self-care, recorded early in the COVID-19 pandemic, on how to get through pandemic measures such as lockdowns in a healthy way, emotionally, psychologically and physically, including strategies and activities on managing stress and develop mindfulness.


for more videos, training sessions and ACEs Aware convenings, visit the First 5 Kern YouTube page.

Together, We’re Building Better Lives.